why includeability for teams

Providing athletes the opportunity to use their talents to help differently abled kids to be included, ‘winning on and off the field’

getting started

  • Commit to being the IncludeAbility buddies for an event

  • Play or send IncludeAbility ‘why’ video to your athletes

  • Provide electronic sign up for event (25-30)

  • Utilize IncludeAbility buddy training guide and guiding principles

  • Communicate event details and where to meet

  • Buddies will be required to sign an event liability release form as outlined by each event

kids helping kids - Event volunteering

  • We will provide each athlete with an IncludeAbility t-shirt to wear during the event

  • Some athletes will be paired with challenged athletes to help them complete the event

  • Some athletes will be assigned to the start & finish lines to create excitement